Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Annual Geese-splosion

I think I have been to Middle Creek during spring migration almost every year since I moved back to Pennsylvania.  It's something of a tradition, but one that you definitely can't do on the same day every year.  Because of the harsh winter, the height of the goose migration was some three to four weeks later than some years.

Dad and I left while it was still dark and made it out to Willow Point in time for the sunrise.  Along with probably a hundred other people!  The birds were a little late leaving, it seemed.  Most waited till well after sunrise to take off.  There were times where it seemed like the world had a lid on it made out of birds.  Made the early alarm clock well worth it.

This shot is not fantastic, but I do like that the lone tundra swan is catching the glow of the rising sun, while the snow geese in the background are darker.

While waiting for the big take-off, I had plenty of time to scope the flocks, looking for the elusive Ross's Goose, or one of the Eurasian Wigeons that had been reported there.  I found neither, but I did come across an unusual looking Snow Goose.  It has a fully dark head.  I imagine this is a result of it feeding in a muddy area, though.  Still interesting to see!

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