What a squirm-inducing little book. There's hardly anything to it, lengthwise, but there's so much uncomfortableness. This is one of my Man Booker Challenge books. It was short-listed in 2007 but did not win.
I have to say, I'm not surprised. First and foremost because the publishers took a short story and finagled it into a very small hard-bound book. Second, because I have read Ian McEwan before - Atonement is one of my more favorite books. This just isn't the same level or quality.
I mean, I see what he was trying to do, but it didn't totally work. The whole arc is messed up, neither of the main characters grow. Except for maybe a hint given by one sentence in the last few paragraphs. Not enough.
Final call:
I mean, I see what he was trying to do, but it didn't totally work. The whole arc is messed up, neither of the main characters grow. Except for maybe a hint given by one sentence in the last few paragraphs. Not enough.
Final call:
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